Ultimate Colour Wheel Palette
The Ultimate Colour Wheel Palette has been designed by Derivan, so you can create your personalised colour scheme while exploring bias colour mixing with this fabulous palette and colour wheel combination.
Create your personalised colour wheel while exploring bias colour mixing with this fabulous palette and colour wheel combination. The custom-made bias colour and scale palette complement the enclosed bias colour wheel, making paint mixing easy. In addition to the bias colour wheel, enclosed are two guides to create a real-life colour scheme selector using actual colours from the artist's palette. The palette also includes an excellent scale mixing area for different colour creations, and with the extra depth within the palette, artists will be able to mix more significant quantities of their favourite colours.
In theory, you should be able to make all the colours you need from three basic primary colours. In reality, each of these primary colours has a bias or preference for creating a particular secondary colour. Understanding this bias will help you to mix the types of colours you need when creating your work of art.
Creating your personalised colour wheel and scheme guide has never been easier. Simply follow the instructions below using your Colour Wheel Palette and your individual paints.
Look at the bias colour wheel tips; These instructions are for completing each rim of the colour wheel. It is suggested that you work on one section at a time (between primaries) and then work on the next section. The example to the right and the following instructions show the Yellow-Orange-Red area.

View the colour suggestions listed below from each of our acrylic paint collections. For best results, use Derivan Acrylic paints or Matisse Acrylics

Want to learn more about how to make your own custom-made bias colour and scale palette complement watch Steven Patterson as he explains how to use the wheel to mix like a pro, including how to mix complimentary colours, analogous colours, and perfect complementary colours.